Sunday and Daddy | Lynchburg Family Portrait Photographer

There are a million and one things I could have been doing this morning between 5am and 7am... one of those things includes sleep, of course... but I was up and I wanted to finally blog these pictures I took about a month ago. We were having a super warm week and Sunday and I had been sitting outside waiting for Tommy to get home from work. The light was just right... Tommy was in his uniform... and Sunday was in just a diaper. Everything was perfect so I ran inside and grabbed my camera and captured some of my absolute favorite pictures of the two of them - ever. This is so them... she's such a little toddler now. One second she wants cuddles, the next she wants to get down and run around. She is growing so fast and we are absolutely enjoying her at this age. She's 17 months old now... wow. How time flies! I hope to get another letter to her written so soon to capture all the things she is saying and doing these days. Just like one day she decided to start walking... it seems as though she has just decided to start talking. She understands almost everything we say to her now - obviously I cannot have an adult conversation with her - but I speak in easy terms and she gets it. We've started tapping into the world of potty training by using key words now to identify what's going on. She is so smart and she catches on so fast. Anyway, I need to save all this stuff for her letter. :)

Here are the loves of my life...!

Equipment used for these images:  canon 5d mark ii // canon 70-200mm f/2.8l lens

Liz Cook is the owner and photographer behind sincerely, liz: photography. She is a virginia wedding photographer and virginia portrait photographer who loves virginia weddings and couple photography.

To see more of Liz’s work, check out her latest work as well as some of her favorite weddings. To hire Liz, simply fill out this form.

Cody & Olivia | Lynchburg Wedding Photographer

Friends, meet Cody and Olivia. They are two adorable lovebirds that met while on the track team at Liberty University. They are getting married at Glencliff Manor in just a few weeks and I am so excited about their wedding. There are a lot of reasons: they are having a first look (!!), I have a soft spot for the grounds and the people over at Glencliff Manor, and I am just seriously so, so happy for them. They are completely smitten with each other and are already on such great track for sharing a wonderful marriage together. I mean, I'm only 5 years into marriage so, really, what do I know? But… they already have weekly date nights and that is something to be admired if you ask me! :) Anyway, we had a ton of fun during their session. I laughed so much and they played along with all of my silly jokes and quirky suggestions. I love the way their pictures came out. (So much so that I ordered a duplicate sample album of their guestbook! Score!) Okay, enough rambling… meet Cody & Olivia! And get ready to see pictures of their beautiful wedding in just a few weeks!


Equipment used for this session:  canon 5d mark ii // canon 50mm f/1.2 lens // canon 70-200mm f/2.8l lens // canon 16-35mm f/2.8 lens

Liz Cook is the owner and photographer behind sincerely, liz: photography. She is a virginia wedding photographer and virginia portrait photographer who loves virginia weddings and couple photography.

To see more of Liz’s work, check out her latest work as well as some of her favorite weddings. To hire Liz, simply fill out this form.

Kevin & Audie | A Tappahannock Engagement Session

Things are feeling a little rusty around here. It has been so long since I have posted ! If you've been following along with my facebook page you have probably heard my beloved MacBookPro finally saw it's death last week. Long story short, I hope it'll come back to life soon. In the meantime, I am (not so) patiently waiting for my new iMac to arrive at my front door (Thursday!!) and plugging away on some bookkeeping tasks, finally reorganizing some archives, and oh! Lookie here... finally blogging again!! It occurred to me the other day that blogging had become somewhat of a challenge because of my computer crashing so often. I knew it was becoming a challenge because I had a lot of other things on my plate, but I always have other things on my plate! I typically make time to blog because I love it so much, but when I couldn't get through a whole blog post without the computer crashing 2-3 times mid-writing, well, that's just challenging in and of itself. So at this moment I'm writing from my old (circa 2009!) PC and enjoying being able to write interruption-free!

So, given this opportunity I wanted to introduce you guys to one of my awesome 2013 couples: Audie and Kevin! I met up with the two of them as well as Kevin's sweet daughter's (and Audie's future step-daughters) a few weekends ago for Audie and Kevin's engagement session at their future wedding location. The girls were the sweetest little things!! They kept saying "We are getting married here!!" It killed me! Here are a few of my favorite pictures from their session! I am sooo looking forward to their country wedding... with a barn... field... plantation home...? Only a few of my favorite things!!! Swoon!!


Equipment used for this session:  canon 5d mark ii // canon 50mm f/1.2 lens // canon 70-200mm f/2.8l lens

Liz Cook is the owner and photographer behind sincerely, liz: photography. She is a virginia wedding photographer and virginia portrait photographer who loves virginia weddings and couple photography.

To see more of Liz’s work, check out her latest work as well as some of her favorite weddings. To hire Liz, simply fill out this form.

Transitions, changes, routines!

We are in a great season of change, friends! Last week it was snowing and today it is 81 degrees outside. And the weather isn't the only thing changing around here! As of Monday I confirmed our new summer interns for Sincerely, Liz, Inc, and yesterday, I built two new desks for the office. Actually, I was able to build two desks for the office because Sunday was gone for eight hours at her first full day of out-of-home child care. *gasp* I can't believe she is attending child care out of the home (something I never, ever though I would say as a mama). That's a whole post for a whole other day... so I'll spare you that giant paragraph of emotions for right now.

But, yes. Lots of changes happening right now.

Actually... as I type I am literally watching the clock completely perplexed that I have time to write this blog post because Sunday should have woken up from her nap about 11 minutes ago. But, we're also in the middle of transitioning from two naps a day to one nap a day and... what is this? She's sleeping more than two hours?? I guess this is to be expected, yes?

So... all this to say, there's more to come, friends! The shooting season has officially kicked off. I had a beautiful country engagement session last weekend and it was the first of many sessions and weddings to come! Our first wedding of the spring season is in just a few weeks and then we take OFF! The blog will be busting with gorgeousness and lots of regular posts! And... the new website will officially be launched on my BIRTHDAY....! Yeahhh! How fun is that?! So please hang in there with me!

Oh... and Tommy & I will be celebrating our anniversary in just a few days and I am praying about sharing something pretty special with you guys. I'm not the best with words, so hopefully what I want to say will come out right and God will help me share His amazing grace the best way I know how. <3

Okay... here is a fun sneak peek of a session I'm working on right now... the sweetness of a precious newborn never ceases to amaze me! <3

Happy Snow Day! (Also, it's almost April?!)

This snow came out of NOWHERE. Seriously... no mention of 6-8 inches of snow anywhere! (In my interactions, anyway.) But, I'm not complaining. :) I love snow and we have had hardly any snow days this year! At least none that really lasted more than a day or so. I am glad old man winter showed his face one last time before spring really kicks in! Love! I snuck outside during Sunday's nap time yesterday and grabbed a few quick shots of the snow while standing in our front yard. And let me tell you... I've never missed my 100mm macro lens as much as I have these past few weeks! Snow, spring blossoms (and in the same week... only in Virginia!), and newborn sessions galore! How beautiful these images would have been with such fine detail. It's okay, though. I am excited to have one in my bag as wedding season kicks in in a few weeks. For now, I'm making do with what I've got. :)

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from yesterday:


Equipment used for this session:  canon 5d mark ii // canon 70-200mm f/2.8l lens

Liz Cook is the owner and photographer of sincerely, liz: photography. She is a virginia wedding photographer and virginia portrait photographer who loves virginia weddingsfamily portrait sessions and couple photography.

To see more of Liz’s work, check out her latest work as well as some of her favorite weddings. To hire Liz, simply fill out this form.