Why Squarespace is the bomb

Why Squarespace is the bomb

(and why you should use it for your business, too).

Okay, I struggle with this little problem that's called "I believe what works for me should totally work for everyone else." I know, life isn't like that. Hah... if there's ANYTHING I've learned from motherhood, it's that what works for one person does NOT work for everyone else! 

BUT! That doesn't mean it won't work for at least ONE other person! Right?

Announcement #3 and a half | A raffle and more!

Announcement #3 and a half | A raffle and more!

This blog post has two announcements! And THESE boys are excited about them! 

The Birth of Luca | Virginia Birth Photographer

The Birth of Luca | Virginia Birth Photographer

I met Luca's mama, a wedding photographer, about 9 months ago while she was in Lynchburg to shoot a wedding. Originally not from this area, she needed a local second shooter for the wedding and I was happy for the opportunity. About 2 minutes after meeting her at the wedding, she whispered to me "I'm pregnant! The bride doesn't know and I need major help today!" 

Happy July! Announcement #2

Happy July! This is one of my favorite months of the year! SO many fun things happen this month...! Work slows down for a little while (yay family time!), the 4th of July is one of the BEST days (I seriously love seeing the pride for our country come out for one big in-your-face celebration!), AND it's my birthday month!! 

I thought a great way to kick off the month of July was to make my second big announcement. Again, it's totally not what you think. :)