Tell Me More: Studio Consultations


Studio Consultations

Who, What, When, Where, Why?

Studio Consultations are complimentary, no-obligation meetings available to anyone interested in booking Liz Cook Photography for their baby, family or wedding photography needs.

Most of the time, consultations happen in my natural light studio located in the New London area of Forest, Virginia (just a 10 minute drive from Lynchburg, Virginia). However, there are times when a client lives out of town and plans to travel a few hours for their session in which case our consultation can happen either over the phone or through google hangout. These meetings are simply a low-pressure conversation where we get to know one another a little bit and I ask all the key questions regarding what you are hoping to get out of your photography investment. This is also the time for you to receive answers to any of your questions.

There is no pressure to book a session or wedding at this consultation. In fact, I always encourage prospective clients to go home, think about all we discussed, and then let me know if they would like to move forward with booking. All booking, contracts and payments are handled easily and securely online and can be taken care of from any location. You do not have to be at the studio to reserve your session or make any payments.



Why Should I Schedule A Consultation?

I understand custom photography is an investment and it is imperative that we have open communication about your photography experience.  I want to know all of your expectations and it is important that you know mine as well! If you have hopes and dreams for your final images, this is your opportunity to tell me all about them! I want to do my best to give you exactly what you are hoping for, but I can’t do that without a full understanding of your expectations.

To put it simply, meeting for a consultation helps guarantee you will receive final images you truly love!!

When Should I Schedule My Consultation?

Prospective clients typically schedule a complimentary consultation as soon as they know they are interested in working with me. My calendar fills up quickly, so if you think you may be interested in booking a session with me, I’d recommend you schedule a consultation as soon as possible!

Since consultations themselves don't take very long, it's easy to fit them on the calendar. However, it's not so easy to fit in full photo sessions at the last minute. This is why I recommend you schedule a consultation as soon as possible since we will be discussing the scheduling of your session when we meet. 

If you are looking to book a photographer at the last minute for a baby milestone or newborn session, the latest I can schedule a consultation is about a week out from a pre-scheduled session date. To get an idea of when you should plan for your session (not consultation), here’s a quick list:

  • Maternity sessions are typically scheduled between 32 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, but have been scheduled as late as 38 weeks (though that really was risky considering mama went into labor the very next day!).
  • Newborn sessions are typically scheduled when baby is between 7-20 days old. These sessions are normally reserved months ahead of time (when mom is about 25-30 weeks along).



How Can I Schedule My Consultation?

When someone is interested in booking a complimentary studio consultation, they can simply inquire with me or click here to access the consultation booking page. It’s an easy process and all are welcome!

How Should I Prepare For My Consultation?

Depending on your photography needs, you may need to prepare a little before you come to the studio. Below are some ways you can make the most of your time with me:

  • Any prospective clients coming in for a consultation are welcome to bring any questions you may have for me, as well as a way to show me any of your photography “dreams” for your session or wedding pictures. You can do this through a pinterest board or simply a few images you’ve seen that you love. (You’ll know we are a good match if any of my pictures make your short list! :))
  • Brides and Grooms are welcome to bring along a parent and/or a friend to help ensure you are getting all of your questions answered and well-documented. Some also bring along their wedding planning binder with a list of pre-printed questions.
  • Maternity, Newborn, and Family consultations are a great time to look through the studio wardrobe and try on a few pieces. If you plan to do this, please bring along neutral undergarments including a strapless bra and one or two pair of shoes you plan to wear for your session.



Is There Anything Else I Should Know Before I Come?

Yes! The studio is attached to Liz’s home in the New London area of Bedford, Virginia. The property is pet-friendly (dogs, cats, geckos and more! :)), and smoke-free. All of the pets are out of reach of the studio with the exception of the cats. If you have allergies to pets, please let Liz know ahead of time so necessary precautions can be made.

Click here to book your complimentary Studio Consultation!

Click here to read more about what to expect at a Newborn Photography Session.

Liz Cook is a familybirth and wedding photographer in Central Virginia. She loves to photograph emotional and discreet birth stories, the details of parenthood, and fun and easygoing couples in love.

2018 Goal Setting, Pt. 2


2018 Goal Setting

With Lara Casey's Powersheets, pt. 2

Yesterday I shared in my 2018 Goal Setting, Pt. 1 blog post about my reflections of 2017 and what I learned throughout the year. Today I am excited to share with you what my goals are and some of the small steps I will be taking to reach each of them!

Much like my goals wayyyy back in 2014, I have found that I am still very content with the idea of enough. I simply want a healthy and happy home life, I want to do everything I can to raise good, God-loving kids, and I hope to contribute to my community in a positive way. So while my goals may not seem all that exciting at first glance, I am really excited at how much I know I'll grow as a person through the work I'll be doing to achieve them!



Without further ado here are my 2018 Goals and the first few steps I plan to take to achieve them this year:

Cultivate a deeper relationship with God.

  • Memorize & meditate on one piece of scripture each month
  • Attend/participate in 1-3 bible studies at my church this year
  • Read: Fervent

Continue to nurture a stronger, healthier marriage.

Give more focused, quality time with the girls.

  • Monthly one-on-one dates with each girl
  • Social Media Free Sundays (or total phone-free Sundays?)
  • Weekly morning devotions with Sunday before school (create a routine with this)

Improve physical & mental health.

  • Be more disciplined with my quiet time/journaling routine and pray about keeping it a priority
  • Explore new podcasts and listen to them while editing in the office (instead of music)
  • Register for 1-3 5k Fun Runs (I'm already registered to do a 5k Foam Race Obstacle Course with a friend in March!)
  • Participate in a 21-30 day yoga challenge/retreat (I hope to do this in the summer when the girls are home and they can do it with me)
  • Allow chores around the house to be exercise! Turn on music and break a sweat while working!
  • Read: Boundaries & Rising Strong

Work towards becoming more financially responsible.

  • Absolutely NO business debt in 2018
  • Close my one and only business credit card
  • Participate in a contentment challenge before July (I'm considering Nancy Ray's challenge)
  • Request a copy of my credit report and analyze it

Continue to seek and implement ways to simplify and automate my business.

  • Pray and ask God to show me what this can look like! Social media assistant? Virtual assistant? Batch editing/writing/projects? I don't know just yet.
  • Research possible editors for session images, pray about this step.
  • Add Monthly Tending dates to my calendar and stick to them!
  • Write / plan blog posts in bulk (I've never done this before but am going to give it a try!!)
  • Read: The ONE Thing 

Seek and implement ways to simplify, automate, and create routines at home.

  • Continue using my weekly planner to keep up with life and stay on top of things
  • Work through the Intentional Mom's Toolkit to explore other possible systems that may work for our family
  • Make Sunday Meal Prep and Taco Tuesdays a weekly routine
  • Design a solid AM & PM routine for the household and make it a habit/rhythm
  • Read: The Miracle Morning & The Lifegiving Home



I know that seems like a lot - but it's really not! It's completely doable and here's why I think this: 

Another big change in my mindset this past year is my plan/hope to approach this year with the 12 Week Year mindset. This means instead of planning ahead for an entire year, I will plan for the upcoming twelve weeks. (Because one year from now my whole life could look different! It doesn't make a lot of sense to plan so specifically for a season so far away.) This has changed EVERYTHING! I can look at the list above and not be overwhelmed at all I have listed because I know so many of those items are for the 2nd, 3rd or even 4th quarter of the year! I'll get to them eventually, but right now I am simply focusing on this first quarter and the progress I can make now. That's so exciting to me! 

Here are ten action steps I've either already taken or I plan to take by the end of January to start reaching my 2018 goals:

  1. Call and close my one business credit card. (done!)
  2. Begin reading Fervent. (started!)
  3. Schedule dates in January for special dates with each girl. (done!)
  4. Register for the winter/spring semester of MarriageWorks. (done!)
  5. Register for the upcoming women's bible study at church. (done! We begin meeting this week!)
  6. Register and begin training for the 5k Foam Race in Charlotte, NC in March. (done!)
  7. Set an alarm on my phone on Sunday mornings for "Social Media Free" days and move social media apps to another screen. (This plays a trick on my mind and when I go to the usual app location out of habit I am reminded that's a social media free day!!) (done!)
  8. Tape this month's scripture card to my bathroom mirror (done!)
  9. Begin researching other fun obstacle course races to do later in the year.
  10. Gather all of my quiet time / journaling materials and place them in a basket near my favorite reading chair. (done!)

So that's that! Let's see how this goes! 

What are some of your 2018 resolutions or goals? I'd love to hear! 

    Liz Cook is a familybirth and wedding photographer in Central Virginia. She loves to photograph emotional and discreet birth stories, the details of parenthood, and fun and easygoing couples in love.

    2018 Goal Setting, Pt. 1


    2018 Goal Setting

    With Lara Casey's Powersheets

    It is hard to believe January is more than half over! Between the crazy weather (and countless snow days we’ve had), Izzie’s 3rd birthday, Tommy traveling for work, and wrapping up the holiday season, it’s hard for me to believe this month is almost behind us! I spent the last few weeks of December resting, reflecting, of course enjoying the holidays, and also working through my annual Goal Setting process with my favorite goal setting workbook.

    I’ve been using Lara Casey’s Powersheets for my goal planning the past few years (with the exception of last year which I simply declared The Year of My Marriage :)). I love Powersheets because before you even begin to set your goals, there’s an entire section dedicated to walking you through a process of looking back over the past year at what worked, what didn’t work, what your big dreams are, and also asks you big questions like where do you want to be when you’re 80 (talk about perspective!), and more!

    Today I want to share a bit about my personal reflection of 2017 and also what some of my goals look like for 2018. I love to document my annual goal setting process here on the blog because it’s fun to reflect years later and read how far I’ve come.

    So, let’s dive in!

    Cultivated Life Evaluation

    Starting with one of my favorite spreads in the Powersheets this year, the Cultivated Life Evaluation walked me through rating myself in eight areas of life: Health, Friends, Spouse, Family Finances, Spiritual + Personal Growth, Work, and Recreation. For the first time that I can remember, I saw more positive than negative about each of these areas of my life (and also gave myself so much more grace than I usually do). While there is always room to improve in any area, it was so nice to look back and see that I really am doing alright in most areas. And the areas where I’m not doing great - at least I can recognize I’m not doing that great - and I can do something about it!

    The areas I gave myself a positive rating in were: Health, Spouse, Work, Spiritual + Personal Growth, and Recreation. Mostly I recognized that I have improved in those areas over time and I gave myself credit for coming so far! The other areas (Friends, Family (I considered this extended family relationships versus immediate), and Finances) all have room for improvement, but mostly they simply need more of my time. While all of these categories are important to me, there are always going to be items at the very top of my priority list and I feel okay about where things stand for now. Though I do look forward to moving forward and continually improving in all areas.



    What Matters Most To Me

    After working through a series of pages and answering a variety of questions, I was brought to this spread which points to one simple question: What Matters Most To Me?

    Here is what I wrote: A healthy and happy marriage, healthy children (mentally and physically), a business that brings a steady income and healthy routine to our family while adding quality to our community, a core group of friends to love and support, and connection with our extended family.

    I love that every few pages, the Powersheets bring you back to what matters most. They do this by asking specific questions like “Where do you want to be when you are 80?” “What matters most to you today?” Because ultimately, this is the good stuff. Sure, I’d like to put together a freebie download for my website visitors and get my newsletter up and running consistently. But when I’m 80 years old, is that what I will reflect on and be grateful I spent my time doing? Probably not. So while some things matter today, it is always good to remember to focus on what is really important in the long term!

    What Did and Did Not Work?

    Okay, so here we are at one of my favorite parts of the Powersheets prep work. Looking back at what DID and DID NOT work over the past year. I always open my calendar and look back at every appointment, photo session, family adventure, and any other activity I participated in to get the most accurate perspective. As I did this exercise and my lists grew and grew, I got really excited! What amazing lessons I learned!!

    A few of the things that DID work for me were:

    • weekend meal prep

    • regular date nights with Tommy

    • having lunch with the girls at Sunday’s school once a week

    • using a scheduling software for my business

    • embracing audio for books and podcasts

    • family time at the local Jump Trampoline Park (exercise + fun + family = huge win!)

    • indulging in a LOT of self-care (cooking, friend time, personal reflection, etc.)

    And a few things that did NOT work for me were:

    • over-filling our weekends and months

    • not planning ahead for busy seasons of work

    • putting the girls in extracurricular activities (they really haven’t shown a lot of interest and it only adds chaos to our routine)

    • losing a healthy perspective (and focusing on the negative) in certain areas of life

    • not having a consistent morning/evening rhythm/routine at home

    Some of my biggest lessons I see as I look through the items above are:

    • my family thrives on rhythms and routines even if I do not (they are all judgers to my perceiving personality type!! [myers-briggs, anyone??])
    • having the right perspective can change everything
    • keeping things SIMPLE is good!
    • weekly meal prep is completely vital to my success in my personal wellness journey :)

    Once I worked through most of the prep I was directed through steps to find a recurring theme in my work. On p.29 “The Big Picture” page, I wrote the following:





                                                     ASK for help!

    What can I implement in 2018 to create a peaceful and calm home with predictability for my people?



    Turning the page brings me to the “Choose a Word” page. I considered so many words for this year: space, simple, system, slow, rhythm, cycle, surrender. I shared in my Instastory recently how I had settled on the word SPACE until God laid it on my heart to choose “Surrender” as my word instead. I was genuinely fearful of the word at first. But after some thought and reflection, I thought it only appropriate to surrender to Him and begin the year on the right foot. 

    My word for 2018 is Surrender.

    My question to myself in 2018 is: What will I let go of in 2018?

    Tomorrow I will share Part II of my Goal Setting Process: the goals I’ve come up with and the steps I plan to take to make them happen! If you’ve read this far, Thank You!!!

    Liz Cook Photography specializes in maternity, newborn, birth and family photography in Lynchburg, Virginia and the surrounding areas.

    Lynchburg Maternity Photographer | Melissa's Winter Maternity Session

    Lynchburg Maternity Photographer | Melissa's Winter Maternity Session

    I had such a wonderful time getting to know Melissa and hearing the story of how God redeemed the many years she spent waiting to become a mama. The time I was able to spend with her was truly such an encouragement to me!

    Melissa reached out to me in early January and since she was just a few weeks out from her baby’s due date, I wanted to get her in the studio for a consultation as soon as possible (all consultations are complimentary with no obligation to book a session). We squeezed her in within the week and she decided to move forward and book both her maternity and newborn session together. She also told me she would be the only participant during her maternity session and she wanted to use it as a time to really celebrate this season and embrace the journey she has been through to get to where she is today. What a beautiful story she has!

    Lynchburg Studio Newborn PicturesBaby M and her Family

    This sweet girl was an angel baby for her studio newborn session here in Lynchburg, VA. Upon arrival, mama settled into the hair and make-up chair while I started preparing little M for her portraits! She stayed fast asleep and we zoomed through the different set ups for her pictures, allowing a variety of looks and feels to her session. As soon as her beautiful mama was all dolled up and ready, we were just finishing up her solo-pictures. We rolled right into pictures with mom, and then soon dad and big sister arrived for their pictures! I always recommend older siblings arrive separately if possible, so they won't have to wait around and observe while we give so much attention to the new baby. I absolutely love the way this session came out, and so does mama! 

    Here's what she had to say about our time together: 

    "I wouldn't trust anyone else with my family's memories. We hired Liz for the full birth experience and newborn sessions. The investment was beyond worth it. The images and emotions that she captured are too good to be true. She is extremely professional and prepared for any scenario, while having the sweetest disposition and so down to earth. I felt like I had my best friend in the labor and delivery room with her there. Her studio is beautiful and full of light. She does everything she can to make you comfortable, providing snacks and a place to relax while the photos are taken. She has a wonderful wardrobe to choose from because let's be honest.. what new mom likes what she looks like or has a perfect flattering pastel top for photos days after giving birth? I sure don't. But Liz dressed me in a flattering dress and the images are priceless. I recommend her to anyone who wants breathtaking images full of love and emotion. :)" - Kelly J.

    Are you expecting and ready to book your newborn session? I am currently booking sessions as far out as early Winter 2017. Newborn sessions are best scheduled before your baby has arrived. If you have waited until the last minute, please contact me - if I am able to fit you in, I will! I don't want you to miss out on the opportunity to have this short and sweet season of life documented. 

    All newborn sessions include the use of the studio wardrobe, a styling consultation to discuss the look and feel you desire for your session, as well as my exclusive client preparation guide. On site hair and make-up services are also available with our stylist so that you feel relaxed, confident and beautiful at your session. I make the process of preparing for your session simple and seamless, so you can focus on your first priority, taking care of your newborn baby. Contact me today to reserve your session.