Sunday turned 10 months old yesterday. Gosh. I really just want to bottle up everything about right now and keep it this way FOREVER. But... ahh... life. Time just keeps on ticking. (sigh) I pulled the camera out a couple of times yesterday in an attempt to simply capture her life at 10 months old. No clean faces (read: runny nose) or cute outfits... just life as it is. As I was culling through the images to pick a few favorites for her 10 month letter, I decided I couldn't wait to show some of these to you (and her dad who is still out of town). Her expressions and emotions kill me. I love her so much and sometimes I feel like I want her SO CLOSE to me that I could eat her so she would be back inside of me. I sound like such a freak but I know you mamas out there totally know what I am saying!!
Look at this sweet baby!
(breakfast time!)
(pulling herself to standing on the side of the couch)
(we got TV again, folks... here she is LOVING it)
(such a cutie!)
Love her SO much!!