It could be the beautiful model, the all-white room, or the understated dress she is wearing... or maybe it was simply the enthusiasm in the air that surrounded this whole experience... but this maternity session photographed at The Fount Workshop is, hands down, one of my favorites I have ever photographed. Watching Abany Bauer style this session left me so inspired and gave me more tools to use when approaching my own work, which I've already started to use.
10 Months Old | Lynchburg Baby Photographer
Sunday turned 10 months old yesterday. Gosh. I really just want to bottle up everything about right now and keep it this way FOREVER. But... ahh... life. Time just keeps on ticking. (sigh) I pulled the camera out a couple of times yesterday in an attempt to simply capture her life at 10 months old. No clean faces (read: runny nose) or cute outfits... just life as it is. As I was culling through the images to pick a few favorites for her 10 month letter, I decided I couldn't wait to show some of these to you (and her dad who is still out of town). Her expressions and emotions kill me. I love her so much and sometimes I feel like I want her SO CLOSE to me that I could eat her so she would be back inside of me. I sound like such a freak but I know you mamas out there totally know what I am saying!!
Look at this sweet baby!
(breakfast time!)
(pulling herself to standing on the side of the couch)
(we got TV again, folks... here she is LOVING it)
(such a cutie!)
Love her SO much!!